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K3Soju Goes For a YOLO Reforger... It Goes Perfectly
K3Soju Being Tilted for 60 Seconds Straight
K3Soju Having Literally Perfect Luck for 40 Seconds
K3Soju Plays With His Cam (and Shares an Intimate Moment with Chat)
K3Soju Clutches the Game After Completely Griefing His Transition
K3Soju and Rayditz Have a Hilariously Close 1v1
K3Soju Goes 8th In His First Game of Set 7.5
K3Soju's Rengar Goes Completely AFK in the Middle of a Fight
K3Soju Discovers the Most Satisfying Chain CC Comp of Set 7.5
Rayditz Destroys K3Soju with Electrocharge Leona Carry
K3Soju Malds About the State of the Meta Right Now
K3Soju Fights the Strongest Variation of Darkflight Aphelios